Dual Enrollment
The Dual Enrollment program at Montcalm Community College allows you to enroll in up to 10 college classes throughout your high school career. Successful completion of a college course grants you college credit as well as satisfies one of your high school graduation requirements, either a core requirement or an elective requirement, depending on the college course taken. Always refer to your high school counselor for specifics about course requirements.
Apply Now
Students applying for Dual Enrollment at MCC are encouraged to follow the Dual Enrollment Guide to simplify the application process.
Learn the basics of MCC's Dual Enrollment program including eligibility, class selection, schedule and costs.
Dual Enrollment handbook (PDF)
View a downloadable version of the Montcalm Community College Dual Enrollment Handbook.
Dual Enrollment Book Scholarship
Learn more and apply for the MCCF Dual Enrollment Book Scholarship.
Academic expectations
Review the academic standards and procedures for each MCC student, including all dual enrolled high school students.
Review the policies and procedures to either drop or withdraw from a Dual Enrolled MCC course.
MCC campus resources
View contact information specifically chosen to help you navigate your dual enrollment experience at MCC.
Dual Enrollment Authorization
The Dual Enrollment Authorization form serves as a contract between you and your parents, your high school and MCC. MCC will register you based only off of approved forms. Please complete the form with the specific class sections you wish to be registered for. After you sign this online form, it will be automatically emailed to your high school counselor for approval. A class must be on the signed authorization form if you wish to register for it. If you would like to make changes to your class registration, please complete an entirely new form.
Signing the Dual Enrollment authorization form grants permission for the Montcalm Community College Student Services Office to share grades, attendance, and account information with your high school and parents. Parents need to provide your name, MCC Student ID number or birthdate, and the last four digits of your social security number to gain access to this information. MCC instructors are only permitted to discuss academic information with you. Parents may not contact instructors requesting information about your performance in class.
Continuing at MCC after High School Graduation
If you would like to attend classes as a traditional MCC student after high school graduation, you do not need to re-apply. You simply need to fill out a Electronic Change of Program Form in My Montcalm. Visit my.montcalm.edu. Select Handouts-Forms from the gray box on the left and then Change of Program. Contact the Student Services Department at (989) 328-1277 or studentservices@montcalm.edu to assist with this transition.
Transferring to Another Institution
If you wish to transfer your credits to another college or university, you will need to request an official copy of your transcript be sent to that institution at montcalm.edu/transcripts.
The key to a successful transfer is to know where you will transfer, your degree goal, and what that college suggests you take at MCC. Please work directly with the future institution to make sure the classes you take through Dual Enrollment not only transfer, but are also helpful toward your long-term goal.
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