Greta Skogseth, M.A., has been a Language Arts Instructor at Montcalm Community College (MCC) for more than 23 years and feels that MCC is truly home.
Greta graduated from CMU with a Bachelor of Science in English and a Master of Arts in English Language and Literature. She was a graduate assistant and adjunct faculty member at CMU, in addition to Delta Community College and Saginaw Valley State University. In 2001, Greta returned to Michigan after leaving a tenured position at Lincoln Trail College in Illinois.
As a single mom, Greta beams with pride when asked about her two daughters, Emma and Alison. Both girls are graduates of Greenville High School and Montcalm Community College. Emma is doctoral candidate in Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State University, whereas Alison is entering her Master of Social Work program at the University of Michigan.
Greta is also dedicated to her fur babies – two pugs, Tulip and Sherman; two goldendoodles, Bert and Pearl; and her goldendoodle grand dog, Margo. Greta enjoys sharingtheir birthday and Halloween photo sessions.
In Greta’s free time, she is an avid reader and advocate of children’s and young adult literature. She challenges her students to protect their freedom to read and to be active learners throughout life: “My grandpa, ‘Pop,’ first graduated from CMU as a teacher and then decided to attend the University of Detroit to become a dentist. He demonstrated to me that education is a lifelong process, and it’s a gift that nobody can take away from you.”
Currently, Greta serves as the chair of MCC’s English department, teaches Freshman Composition I and II, Children’s Literature, Youth Literature, British Literature, and is acoordinator for MCC’s Success Express program.
“Come visit me in Doser 335. I look forward to sharing the college experience with you,” she says.