Michelle Gibson, Ph.D., is a full-time Biology Instructor at Montcalm Community College since 1999. Michelle thoroughly enjoys her position. “I like to make science fun and understandable,” she says. A pet peeve of hers, however, is when a student asks if she’s going to talk about “anything important” during an upcoming lecture. Michelle asserts that nothing unimportant would be worth lecturing about.Michelle graduated from Northern Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in microbiology with minors in chemistry and physics. She went on to receive a Master of Science then a Ph.D. from Michigan State University, both in Animal Science.Michelle grew up on a farm with her three brothers, her sister, and her parents. She remains close with her family and spends much of her free time with them. The people Michelle admires most in the world are her parents, remembering how hard they worked for the sake of her and her siblings.Next to her family, Michelle spends time with her livestock and pets, claiming to have owned just about everything except a horse. She also enjoys gardening, reading, completing puzzles and riding her bike. A few of Michelle’s favorites are the Christmas movie “Love Actually”, ice cream, and the song “When You Say Nothing At All” by Ronan Keating. A bucket list item for her is to shake the hand of a president. Her life motto is, “be kind.”Michelle shares some facts about herself:
- I have a Korean sister and a Vietnamese brother.
- I have played Candy Crush for years but never once paid any money into it.
- I can dress out chickens, dissect anything including cadavers and shovel any kind of manure out there, but can't kill an animal.
- I believe that Mother Nature will always, always win.
- I can't sing, but I really wish I could.