MiTransfer Pathway: Art


The MiTransfer Pathway Arts Associate of Arts program is intended to set students up to transfer for a bachelor’s degree to a participating college or university through the MiTransfer Pathways Project agreement.


Students interested in pursuing this program are strongly encouraged to meet with an MCC counselor in addition to a counselor from the college or university they intend to transfer to determine their plan.




Montcalm Community College will be leaving the MiTransfer Pathway Arts Associate of Arts agreement effective the 25-26 catalog. This program will be closed for enrollment from July 1, 2025, and no student entering MCC Fall semester 2025 or later will be able to select this program. Students currently pursuing this program will have 5 years to finish based on their catalog of record. However, classes will not be guaranteed, and classes may need to be taken at a different institution. If this is not possible, students will be moved to the Associate of Science and Arts to graduate. Students are encouraged to meet with an MCC Counselor or Advisor to discuss options.


MCC's program informationView a program description and requirements for MCC's MiTransfer Pathway Arts Associate of Arts program.


Participating Michigan Association of State Universities


Central Michigan

  • ART: Studio Art (BAA or BFA), Animation (BFA), or Graphic Design (BFA)

Eastern Michigan

  • Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts or Art, Bachelor of Arts

Ferris State University

  • B.S. Art History

Michigan State University

  • Graphic Design Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • Studio Art Bachelor of Arts
  • Studio Art Bachelor of Fine Arts

Northern Michigan University

  • B.S. or B.A./Art and Design (B.A. dependent on intermediate level language completion)
  • B.F.A./Art and Design

Oakland University

  • Studio Art, B.A. (not specialization specific)

Saginaw Valley State University

  • BA in ART
  • BA in Graphic Design

University of Michigan-Flint

  • BFA

Wayne State University

  • BA, BFA and BFA/D (design specific BFA)

Western Michigan University

  • BA/BFA


Participating Independent Colleges and Universities


Adrian College

  • Bachelor of Arts-Studio Art
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts-Studio Art

Albion College

  • Art, Bachelor of Arts
  • Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Alma College

  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science-Art

Andrews University

  • Art BA

College For Creative Studies

  • BFA in the following majors: Advertising (Advertising Design and Copywriting), or Communication Design
  • BFA in the following majors: Photography and Entertainment Arts: Digital Film, Animation, or Game Design
  • BFA in the following majors: Art Practice, Illustration, or Craft and Material Studies (Ceramics, Fiber and Textiles, Glass, Jewelry and Metalsmithing, & Furniture)

Concordia University

  • BA/Art

Lawrence Technology University

  • BFA Graphic Design (Pathway applies until 2024)

Sienna Heights University

  • BA Art
  • BFA Art
  • BFA Graphic Design

Spring Arbor University

  • Bachelor of Arts/Art & Design

The University of Olivet

  • Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts (Studio Art)
Tore Skogseth, Student Success Counselor
Brandy Bunting, Counselor
Lisa Gardner, Advisor