Mecosta Osceola Career Center Articulations

These agreements are for students who begin the high school/career center program during the academic years designated and complete the requirements during their high school/career center years. Career center or high school courses must be completed with a B or better final grade and meet course competencies.


At the conclusion of the class, the student and instructor must fill out the high school articulation request form that creates a MCC student account for the student (if they do not already have one) and approves the eligible credits to be applied to the student's account.  The high school counselor or representative will send the documents to MCC by July 1 of each academic year.  Credits will only be guaranteed if the articulation application is returned to Montcalm Community College by July 1 of the student’s graduation year. To attend MCC, the student must fill out an MCC admission application and have high school transcripts sent to MCC.


The articulated credits will be added to this student’s Montcalm Community College transcript with no grade assigned, no tuition charged, and no effect on grade point average. Credits will only be used to satisfy program/certificate/degree requirements at MCC. These credits are not intended for transfer and are subject to MCC expiration policies. Specific program agreements limit MCC credit for articulated courses. The articulated credit(s) awarded may be reported to the secondary school and/or career center that the student attended.

Program Inormation

Allied Health
- 1 year program

  • For students who start Fall 2024-Spring 2027

MCC Courses


  • AHEA 100 Emergency Health Care - 1 credit
  • AHEA 215 Medical Terminology - 3 credits

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) & Phlebotomy - 1 year program

  • For students who start Fall 2024-Spring 2027
  • AHEA 102 Basic Phlebotomy Technique - 3 credits

Public Safety and Protection Services - 1 year program

  • For students who start Fall 2024-Spring 2027
  • CRIM 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice - 3 credits
  • CRIM 105 Physical Fitness for Corrections - 1 credit
  • CRIM 110 Introduction to Corrections - 3 credits

Manufacturing Technology - 1 year program

  • For students who start Fall 2024-Spring 2027
  • INDS 129 Basic Machine Operations - 4 credits

Manufacturing Technology - 2 year program

  • For students who start Fall 2024-Spring 2027
  • INDS 129 Basic Machine Operations - 4 credits
  • INDS 121 Advanced Machine Operations - 4 credits

*The opportunity to test out of TDSN 107

Welding and Fabrication - 1 year program

  • For students who start Fall 2024-Spring 2027
  • WELD 101 Fundamentals of Welding - 3 credits
  • WELD 105 MIG Welding - 3 credits
  • WELD 106 TIG Welding - 3 credits