

MCC’s IT department is making the colleges technology safer for you! Please sign up for multifactor authentication or you will be unable to access your MCC email, Canvas and other applications.


first time login

First time login process will require students to use the self-service password reset (link above) to login for the first time.

login assistance

For login assistance, including forgotten passwords, contact the service desk at 989-328-1246 or servicedesk@montcalm.edu

Changes to MCC Login


Montcalm Community College is migrating to a single sign-on (SSO) process using multi-factor authentication (MFA) to increase digital security. Migration to SSO with MFA significantly decreases the opportunity for passwords to be stolen and is a future-ready approach to a password-less environment. MCC is switching from OneLogin to the Microsoft Azure AD single sign-on with MFA for employee, faculty and student login access. 


Please sign up for multifactor authentication or you will be unable to access your MCC email, Canvas and other applications.

Multi-Factor Authentication Registration and Setup

Before You Start

This short video tutorial demonstrates how to register for multi-factor authentication to securely sign into MCC resources, as well as the different verification methods you can choose from when registering for MFA.

start registration

Get started setting up a safe and secure two-step verification method for your online identity.

Authentication Methods


MCC's new single sign-on will require a second method to authenticate identity verification and password reset requests. Two-factor authentication is required for each login, unless you check the box that says 'Don't ask again for 30 days'. 


Register more than one method of authentication for best security and ease of use. Should you forget your phone at home have trouble getting a signal or connecting to WiFi, you'll be able to select 'Sign in  Another Way' and Azure AD will prompt you for another method to use.

Microsoft Authenticator App

The Microsoft Authenticator app is the most secure option to use as a second authentication method. The app generates short passcodes every 30 seconds and instantly displays the current code, making it the fastest authentication option through just a click of a button.

The app can be downloaded from Android/iSO app store and installed on more than one device.

Other two-factor Verification methods 

Other methods that can be used for both a second authentication method and password reset authentication include:

Other two-factor Verification methods (password reset only)

These authentication methods may be used for password reset authentication only:

About Azure AD


Azure AD uses automation features that increase the ability to detect cyber security threats. Microsoft recently reported that over 75% of network intrusions originated from exploited weak or stolen credentials. Azure AD provides MFA with the touch of a screen or typing in a short-digit code and features an option to remember it for thirty days, making it simple to use, while remaining secure.


The application works seamlessly with Office 365 and is already connected to MCC's systems. Additionally, it allows the college to launch a self-service password reset portal (SSPR). Calls to the service desk for lost passwords and locked accounts will be replaced with quick access through the SSPR portal. 

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