Workforce Development
Montcalm Community College provides customized workforce training for your company's needs and helps connect employers with potential employees.
View apprentice applicationIf you have pre-approved funding through your employer, complete and submit MCC's Apprentice Application for admission.
apprentice training
MCC will work with you to design an apprentice program to meet the skill needs and 576-hour education requirements of the Department of Labor apprenticeship program.
MCC can assist with assessing your incoming applicants and workforce. MCC has tools to measure basic skills, aptitude, or the skills needed for advancement. The assessments include WorkKeys, Differential Aptitude Testing (DAT), NOCTI and others.
occupational analysis
MCC can provide an analysis of your current positions to identify the tasks and training needs for your company.
customized training
MCC will work with you to design training to meet your employee skills needs. Examples are: customer service, CPR/First Aid, leadership/supervision, Microsoft Office, CNC, CAD, GD&T, Blueprint Reading, Basic Math, Measurement, Welding and Statistical Process Control.
workforce education training
MCC offers workforce education courses at its Greenville and Sidney campuses to meet the needs of the community. Courses include CNC, CNA, Pharmacy Tech, GD&T and computer skills. Your employees may be able to take one of our scheduled courses to advance their skills and provide more services to you.
For more flexibility, MCC also offers online training with a variety of vendors providing access to more than 1,000 courses.
michigan new jobs training program
Are you expecting to hire new employees in the next year? MCC may be able to utilize Michigan New Jobs Training Program (MNJTP) funds to support your upcoming training needs. MNJTP is a state initiative that uses tax dollars to support training for companies that are experiencing new hire growth.
Workforce Development Training Grants
MCC, in partnership with West Michigan Works!, will pay for training classes in fields like health care, information technology, manufacturing, Corrections and agriculture though the MiLEAP Grant.
One Workforce grants provide students with advanced manufacturing skills training so you can gain the education needed for a high-wage, high-demand field.
Workforce Resources
Montcalm Community College can help connect you with listings for jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities. You will also find information related to career exploration, job searches, career fairs and Michigan Works!
for employers
Do you have a position you would like us to share? Please submit your listings for jobs, internships and we will share them with students and alumni. For questions, please contact MCC Career Advisor Amy Zdanowski at (989) 328-1234 or email amyz@montcalm.edu.
- Partnered Employers sign in to submit your job listing or internship online
- Don't have a Partnered Employer account with us yet? Submit your job posting or internship here.
- View current job postings
- Submit your volunteer opportunities online
for job seekers
- Indeed: Search for local and nationwide jobs and internships.
- Google: Find jobs and intership opportunities through Google. (For example, you can search for "college internship, Michigan" or "jobs in finance".)
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources: Search for DNR job postings in Michigan.
- MLive: Search Michigan jobs.
- Montcalm County Offices: Search job postings for vacancies within the Montcalm County offices.
- Pure Michigan Talent: Search for thousands of jobs in Michigan.
- State of Michigan: Search for State of Michigan job postings.
Visit Career Builder to search for jobs by company, industry or international jobs; set up a job alert to receive job postings via email; or post a resume that showcases multiple skills with up to five resumes.
Check out the Michigan Works! calendar of upcoming, free events to help with interviewing skills, resume building, networking and more.
Interested in other resources?