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Thank you for choosing to support the Montcalm Community College Foundation. The MCC Foundation assists MCC in its mission of creating a learning community by supporting college building projects, providing scholarships for students and awarding grants for educational projects. Gifts may be pledged and made in payments over 5 years. If you are interested in pledging your gift, please call Lisa Lund at (989) 328-1284 or email lisal@montcalm.edu.
If you are interested in donating to MCC's Athletic Program, please select either "Athletic Scholarships" or "Athletic General Fund" and add a comment specifying where you would like the funds to be used.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Breanna Lintemuth at 989-328-1255 or email breannal@montcalm.edu. Mastercard and Visa are accepted. For any other questions, please contact Lisa Lund at 989-328-1284 or email lisal@montcalm.edu.
The Montcalm Community College Foundation is a 501C-3. For reference, the MCC Foundation’s Federal Tax ID Number is: 38-2371295.