Planned Giving


Planned giving, also known as legacy giving, is any major gift made in a lifetime or at death as part of a donor's overall financial and/or estate planning. Planned giving allows donors to support nonprofits with larger gifts than could usually be made from ordinary income.


You may wish to include a charitable gift in your will or living trust to the Montcalm Community College Foundation. If so, this document contains sample bequest language to share with your attorney and begin the conversation. Thank you for your interest in leaving a gift to Montcalm Community College through the Montcalm Community College Foundation!  

What Your Gift Can Support


Your gift can further grow something that the College has already started, or it can begin something new. As examples, you can designate your investment toward:  

  1. Greatest Need - An unrestricted gift allows the MCC to address priorities and needs where it is needed most to fulfill its mission and commitment to our region into the future.  
  2. Existing MCC Foundation Fund(s), including scholarships - Click here to see the list of available funds.  
  3. Something New - Begin a conversation today with our College leadership to develop a plan that will enable you be a part of fulfilling the College mission in a way that is most meaningful to you.   


MCCF Legacy Society


The Legacy Society recognizes individuals and families who have named the Montcalm Community Foundation as the beneficiary of any type of planned or differed gift. Being a Legacy Society member involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations. It does allow us to thank and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it can inspire generosity in others. 


Click here for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the MCCF Legacy Society. 

join the MCC Foundation Legacy Society

Inform the MCC Foundation you would like to join by completing the MCC Foundation Legacy Society form available through the link above.

Types of Planned Giving

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a contract between a donor and a charity, whereby the donor transfers cash or property to the charity in exchange for partial tax deduction and lifetime stream of annual income from the charity.

Charitable remainder trust

A charitable remainder trust is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals by first dispersing income to the beneficiaries of the trust for a specified period of time and then donating the remainder of the trust to the designated charity. 

gifts to a donor advised fund

Gifts to a donor advised fund is a charitable giving vehicle administered by a public charity such as a community foundation or financial institution created to manage charitable donations on behalf of the organizations, families, or individuals.

Life insurance policy

A life insurance policy is a contract with an insurance company. In exchange for premium payments, the insurance company provides a lump-sum payment, known as a death benefit, to beneficiaries upon the insured’s death. 


Through pledges, donors have the opportunity to pay in installments throughout the year, rather than all at once. Inform the MCC Foundation you would like pledge support by completing the MCCF Pledge form available through the link above.


If you make a gift of appreciated securities you have owned for more than a year, you may deduct the fair market value as a charitable contribution without paying taxes on the appreciation.

Lisa Lund, MCC Executive Director for the MCC Foundation