Counseling FAQ'S


Learn more about MCC’s counseling and advising services.


How do I schedule an appointment? Call (989) 328-1264 to schedule an appointment.

How long is the wait for an appointment? There is often a significant wait time to meet with a counselor.  If possible, please plan ahead and schedule an appointment several weeks in advance. 

How long does the appointment last?Appointments are generally scheduled for one hour, although some appointments only one-half hour. The actual length of the appointment depends on the type of questions you have and the nature of the services you need. In most cases, you should plan to spend the full hour so the appointment isn’t rushed and you receive all the assistance you need.

Do I need to meet with a specific counselor at MCC?  
You can meet with either of the counselors at MCC. Students with documented disabilities should request to meet with Student Success Counselor Tore Skogseth. 


How do I test out of a course? 

Competency testing evaluates the level of student skills in a subject area and based on their performance, they may be able to test out of a basic course and enter a higher level course at the college.
To test out of CMIS courses, students must register in the CIS Lab, in room D314 in the Beatrice E. Doser Building on MCC’s Sidney campus. All testing for CMIS courses is administered in the CIS Testing Center. Students must provide photo identification at the time of testing.

What are my options after I test out?

  • Take the course.
  • Take the next higher course (if applicable).  This may be beneficial if a transfer institution requires competency in the area or a higher level course.
  • Have competency recorded. Hand in the form provided that proves you passed to student services. You do not get credit for this class but it satisfies the requirement for the MCC program graduation requirements.  You may need to “make up” the credits with other coursework if you are short on total credits for graduation.  Most likely, this will not be accepted by future institutions and you should consult with potential schools to determine if this course or competency is required in your future plans before selecting this option.
  • Purchase the credit.  You enroll in the class and pay the full tuition and fees associated with this class.  You do earn the credit and receive an “S” (satisfactory) grade.  These credits will count toward your total credits necessary for graduation.  However, financial aid will not assist you with paying for this option and the associated S/U grade may not transfer.  Please consult your future school prior to selecting this option. 

Can I take CLEP tests?

CLEP tests are designed to test college level proficiency in several topics. MCC's Sidney campus offers CLEP testing. You must contact MCC to schedule the date and time you wish to take the exam. To schedule, please call the Student Success Center at (989) 328-1264. A 48-hour notice is required. To learn more about CLEP testing, including fees, registration and preparation, visit


How do I transfer credits to MCC? 
In order to transfer credits to MCC, you need to request an official transcript from your previous institution(s). You can use our Transcript Request Form, but please be aware that some institutions will charge you a fee to issue your transcript, so it may be beneficial to contact the institution directly. Also, please note that a transcript is official if it comes to us directly from the institution – if you bring the transcript in yourself, it needs to remain in a sealed envelope and may not be accepted as official. More information about transferring credits to MCC is available here
How will my classes transfer to MCC?
How your classes will transfer is determined by the registrar. Some transfer equivalencies are available at the Michigan Transfer Network website, but this list is not complete, so although a class is not on the list, it may still transfer in to MCC. For more information, see Transfer Information

Tore Skogseth, Student Success Counselor
Brandy Bunting, Counselor
Lisa Gardner, Advisor